About Joseph Yi, MD
My Story
I am someone who BARELY made it through medical school. Believe me when i say it was not from a lack of effort, but from a burden i have carried since i was a young man. This burden was a fear of living a life without purpose and the weight of this was too powerful to overcome. I felt crucified physically, mentally, and spiritually. The journey i had embarked on was sucking the life out of me from every angle imaginable. My intentions were to become a doctor to help create change, however the only thing changing was my soul descending into a deeper and darker entity.
Joseph Yi, MD
In an attempt to liberate myself from the suffering and discover meaning, i decided to leave medical school and pursued a career in electronic music. Making MuZik became a doorway back to rediscovering my passion for life and to create meaningful change in the world. i watched in awe from many stages and platforms as crowds danced to the art i was filling their ears with. This art, so to speak, is known as electronic dance music.
After 3 years of bouncing around the streets in pain, confusion, and reflection I had come to the realization that not only was my wallet empty, but so was my heart and soul. The old aching feeling of leading a life without purpose was slowly growing inside me once again. Survival mode enforced me to think critically and through a lot of self-reflection, i made the choice to shed my skin and begin again so i could start living, not merely existing. Through this journey of self-care and love, i have finally discovered Purpose; I discovered purpose again; a reason to return to medical school to become a Holistic Addiction Psychiatrist.
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Joseph Yi, MD
This awakening of clarity within myself brought understanding that the aspects that were crucial to my rejuvenation are the very things they leave out of medical books. The core values i discovered are: One must sleep right, eat right, train the body, and respect the mind. The sad revelation i had about the medical industry is that there is way too much of an emphasis on Disease Care and not nearly enough on Healthcare and Wellness. Western medicine focuses too much on medications and on useless information that isn’t benefitting anyone. It neglects the basics of self-care and because of this, i knew returning to medical school would lead to years of excruciating suffering. My thought process is geared more towards the total health of a person rather than taking the humanity out of the equation.
Medical School – For Your exams, be sure to know the Structure of a triglyceride molecule which is composed of tri esters of fatty acids and glycerol and the medications used to treat excess levels.
Me – That’s wonderful, but shouldn’t we focus on exercise science, plant based diets, and the values of healthy fats to enhance cardiovascular & Brain Health…? Wouldn’t that Naturally lower Triglycerides & Cholesterol?
Joseph Yi, MD
The 4 years that i had endured of this inverted form of brain washing only motivated me to move outside the box. i was driven to become a Healer who has the ability to share knowledge from outside of the medical texts, to educate those around me on the value of self care and to utilize medications as Part of the solution and Not the solution itself. What fueled my desire to return to medical school was simply to obtain an MD so that the power of those 2 letters could be used for creating Health rather than suppressing the symptoms of Disease. Thus for credibility, i needed this degree. But in actuality, ~90% of what i use to help others come from Wisdom gained outside of the realm of traditional medicine. I’ve learned more from life, relationships, solitude, Google, proper mentorship and most importantly, from my clients who have been an integral part of my ongoing Evolution as a Holistic Physician.
Most Compassionate Doctor
In gratitude for faithfull service, you have been recognized by your patients as one of America’a most Compassionate Doctors.
Top 10 Doctor 2014
Joseph Yi, MD Voted as one Pennsylvania’s top 10 Psychiatrist Specialists.
2011 Patient’s Choice Award
This is to certify that Dr. Joseph Yi has been selected as one of Pennsylvania’s favarite Physicians.
Joseph Yi, MD
With my newfound Purpose, the fears i once had as a young man faded into memories of the past. i have Finally discovered my path along with a Reason for the Journey. The Target Destination is to Modernize the Old Skool standards for Behavioral Health and Addictions treatment throughout our area and perhaps even our Country. The plan is to influence one client at a time with a group of individuals who not only share, but can enhance the same Vision.
Only together, will we have the Power to Redesign Our Future.
Joseph Yi, MD
Holistic Psychiatrist
Board-Certified in Addictions
Co-Founder Modern Behavioral
Owner of a Pure Heart & Dope Soul