Modern Service

Fresh Start Fitness

“The road to recovery from substance abuse can be quite challenging to say the least. Traditional medical therapy and counseling are often not enough for many patients to breakthrough their addictive cycles. I have seen remarkable results when my patients incorporate healthier diets and consistent exercise into their lives. For this reason I am truly excited to join forces with the Newtown Athletic Club in creating the Fresh Start Fitness Program. I know that it can change the lives for many who struggle with addiction and can be a powerful healing tool that can make the difference between relapse vs. full-sustained recovery.”

Joseph Yi, MD
Former Ballboy @The US 😀pen
Co-Founder Modern Behavioral

Most people agree that exercise and nutrition SHOULD  be a part of a healthy lifestyle.  But for those who are in recovery or struggle with behavioral health conditions, just the thought of exercising can be quite overwhelming.  At Modern Behavioral, we advocate turning the SHOULD into a MUST for not only a healthier lifestyle, but for a more comfortable and sustained recovery. A recent study conducted by Dr Wang of Shanghai University collected 23 years worth of data on the impact of exercise on patients with substance use disorders.  The results indicated that physical and mind-body exercises can significantly increase abstinence, ease withdrawal symptoms, and reduce anxiety & depression in this population.

The Fresh Start Fitness program is a collaborative effort by Dr Joseph Yi and The Newtown Athletic Club.  We are fully aware that many of our patients have abused their body and neglected their health for years prior to coming in for treatment.  As a result, this scientifically based fitness program was created specifically to assist individuals who require LOWER INTENSITY WORKOUTS initially, then gradually work towards improving their emotional/physical health at a pace that is comfortable for them.  In order to help create positive neuro-associations with fitness, our program is designed to provide a workout regimen that is both fun and effective while assisting those on the road to recovery.

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